Gordon Revamps, Expands Homecoming Awards
The revamped 2018 Homecoming Awards: A Celebration of Faithful Leadership will include keynote speaker Bob Goff and the presentation of the George F. Bennett Leadership Award.
Bob Goff to Bring Wisdom and Whimsy to Gordon
This year, New York Times Best-selling author Bob Goff, founder of the nonprofit Love Does, will serve as the keynote speaker at the 2018 Homecoming Awards: A Celebration of Faithful Leadership, September 28.
Homecoming Spirit Powers Through Rain
Despite it being the fourth year of cold rain for Homecoming and Family Weekend, this year’s festivities once again united Gordon in a weekend of celebration.
Dr. Marv Wilson Reminds Audience of Jewish Roots
“You have to understand the Great Book—capital G, B—Great Book before you understand other books. Because you won’t understand Shakespeare that alludes to the Bible 550 times, or other ancient sources, until you really know sacred Scripture.”
Despite the Rain, Homecoming Festivities Shined
Gordon alumni, students, faculty, staff and friends: thank you for joining us for our annual Homecoming and Family Weekend on September 30 and October 1!