Ian Good ’11: New York Philharmonic Staff & Published Composer

ian good

Since graduating from Gordon in 2011, Ian Good has published arrangements, received composing commissions, and landed a job at the oldest symphony orchestra in the country, the New York Philharmonic.

Alumni in the Peace Corps: Community and Diplomacy in Madagascar

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International affairs grad Emma Barclay ’16 is currently a Peace Corps volunteer on the African island of Madagascar as part of her long-term goal to join the United States Foreign Service.

Fashion and Activism: How Julie Overby ’06 Uses Her Passion for Good

A communication arts major, she was skilled in writing, designing and art—and she knew that she wanted to make a change in the world by helping to end human trafficking.

Alumni in the Peace Corps: Libbi Wilson ’15 Teaches English in China

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Libbi Wilson ’15 is more than 16 months into a two-year assignment in China, teaching approximately 100 university students across six classes in three unique subjects.

Embracing the Uncomfortable: A Conversation with Gerry Newkirck ’69

gerry newkirck

Gerry Newkirck—’69 Gordon alum and retired CEO of the Tractor Supply Company—has lived a life of high risk and high reward, but his motto has always been simple: make decisions, own them and don’t look back.