Dr. Dorothy Boorse Leads NAE Report on Impacts of Climate Change on Poverty

In partnership with World Relief and the Evangelical Environmental Network, Boorse discusses the science of climate change and Christians’ role as stewards of God’s creation.
Crime Scenes, Raisin Bread and the Universe

For the 2022 Herrmann Lecture Series, astrophysicist and biblical scholar Dr. Perry Phillips looked back in time at the Big Bang through a lens of Christian faith.
6 Takeaways from the 2019 Herrmann Lectures

Through three lectures, Dr. Praveen Sethupathy examined questions of science, faith and the accompanying ethical questions, ultimately asking, “What does it mean to be human?”
Why study nursing at a liberal arts college?

Nursing jobs are expected to grow by 15 percent by 2026—but success requires more than technical training. In addition to offering a strong science foundation, a liberal arts education prepares nurses to excel in four important areas.