Redefining Bravery in 2021

People who demonstrate great bravery have been glorified as heroes in almost every culture and time period. From Japanese samurai to American cowboys to comic book superheroes, these iconic figures have shown us various ways of overcoming fear through combat, strategy and brute strength.
Symposium Speaker Finds Hope Amidst Greek Refugee Crisis

At Symposium, Greek expat Dr. Christine Palmer delivered the Richard Gross Keynote Address, speaking from personal experience to describe the impacts of the Greek refugee crisis and where Christianity fits in.
A Week with the Right Reverend: N. T. Wright as Visiting Scholar in the Humanities

Gordon welcomed N. T. Wright, one of the world’s leading New Testament scholars, for a week-long visit to campus as the 2017–18 Malcolm Reid Distinguished Visiting Scholar in the Humanities.
Symposium 2018: Hope in Suffering
This year’s annual Symposium day, hosted by the Center for Faith and Inquiry (CFI), focused on the theme of “Hope in Suffering.” CFI’s goal was to offer an opportunity for the Gordon community to creatively and intellectually embrace… Read More
An Interview with N.T. Wright: Part 2

During N. T. Wright’s recent visit to campus, The Bell had a chance to sit down with the renowned theologian, scholar and author. This is Part II of a two-part interview with N. T. Wright.