Billy Graham’s Mea Culpa to the Jewish Leaders Before His Boston Crusade
Thirty-six years ago, Dr. Marv Wilson was hovering just outside the elevator on the 20th floor of the E.F. Hutton Building, waiting to seize a personal moment with Billy Graham after helping to organize a time for Graham to come meet with Jewish leaders in Boston before his New England crusade on May 30, 1982.
CEO to Co-teach Summer Master’s Course
During the upcoming summer term, Gordon will welcome to campus Wai-Kwong Seck, CEO for all of State Street Bank’s Asia Pacific business, to co-teach a course with President Michael Lindsay in Gordon’s Graduate Leadership program through Gordon Plus…. Read More
Findings: Taking Students’ Art into the Community
Findings is a collaborative gallery created by Gordon art students and seasoned members of Gordon’s arts community. This year, five sophomore art majors and three mentors are presenting works.
Two Professors Receive Oxford Fellowship
Dr. Evangeline Cornwell (biology) and Dr. Andrew Logemann (English language and literature) have been awarded two-year fellowships at Oxford for a conference around the topic of biotechnology and faith.
The Department of Music at 50: Looking Back and Ahead
The 27th annual Christmas Gala celebrated the 50th anniversary of the Department of Music at Gordon. It was 50 years ago that Alton C. Bynum’s vision for the Department came to fruition.