Schuyler Anderson ’14: Effecting Change—One Skateboard at a Time

“How can we as a company best be loving our neighbors and best be looking out for others through our profits?” asks Schuyler Anderson ’14, co-owner of Salemtown Board Co. “That filters into every aspect of what we’re doing.”
Dr. Dorothy Boorse on NPR’s “Open Source”: Why Climate Change is a Faith Issue

“Dorothy Boorse is a biologist who combines love of nature with love of God—and who’s been pitching American evangelicals on climate as a moral issue for years.” (Christopher Lydon, “Open Source,” June 11)
Graduate Programs to Expand into Finance and Science

Gordon College plans to introduce three new graduate programs: Master of Arts in Leadership, Master of Science in Financial Analysis, and Master of Science in Materials Science.
Paul Edwards Appointed Chief Development Officer and Senior Vice President for Advancement

Seasoned fundraiser and advancement professional Paul V. Edwards has been appointed as chief development officer and senior vice president for advancement at Gordon College, effective July 1, 2015.