What Does Art Have to Do with the Cross?

In the Center for Faith and Inquiry Arts lecture, Lothlórien Distinguished Chair in the Fine Arts Bruce Herman reflected on how art can point us to God.
Finding Faith Out on a Limb

Former Discovery facilitator of 25 years, Liz (Heeren Hurley) Williams ’84, shares how “commitment moves”—opportunities to prayerfully go out on a limb—remain a way for God to use her life to serve others.
Lenten Devotional: The Urgency of Repentance

Gordon’s Center for Faith and Inquiry hosts writers from the Gordon community to share reflections on the Lenten season.
People, Presence and Prayer

From campfires to the office, Jim Beville ’99 seeks to create an environment of warmth. Read of La Vida encouraged him to redefine what success looks like.
World-class Anthropologist Identifies Two Lies That Derail American Society’s Journey Toward Freedom

Last week the Gordon community got to hear from world-class anthropologist and President of the American Academy of Religion Dr. Marla Frederick. Read the full recap of the Convocation lecture she gave in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.