The Death of Expectancy: A Letter to Our Young Adults

Heidi Forget, MSW, LICSW, of the Gordon College Counseling Center shares a word about expectancy in a time of grief.
Lessons on Pandemics from a War-torn Country

As a family physician in the COVID-19 hotspot of Lynn, MA, business is anything but usual for Brent Fryling ’92. But his background detecting and treating tuberculosis in Afghanistan makes him thankful to be here in the U.S
Gordon College Confers 482 Undergraduate and Graduate Degrees

With the official Commencement ceremony sidelined until the fall due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Gordon community found creative ways to honor the Class of 2020.
“Overflow with Hope” Devotional | May 11

“Instead of striving to seize control over the chaos that exceeds the boundaries of our control, we are admonished to rather allow ourselves to be seized by the virtue of a transformative hope which does not fail,” writes Nathaniel Quartey ’21