Inaugural Malcolm Reid Lecture
Faith Seeking Understanding lecture series announces Oliver O’Donovan (University of Edinburgh) as keynote speaker for the Inaugural Malcolm Reid Lecture at Gordon College.
Generation to Generation: 125 Years of Gordon College

On the 125-year anniversary of Gordon’s first day of classes, theologian and author Dr. Os Guinness issued a stirring charge.
God, Globalization, and the Good Society in Asia Today
The Center for Faith and Inquiry is pleased to host a one-day conference, “God, Globalization, and the Good Society in Asia Today” at Gordon College. Brian Grim, president, The Religious Freedom & Business Foundation, will give the conference keynote address.
Learn the Facts Behind the News: Gordon In Conversation
As a community of Christians committed to faithful inquiry, we take seriously the motto of Saint Anselm: “faith seeking understanding.” We actively seek to engage in thoughtful dialogue about contentious issues, and to do so in a spirit… Read More
A Bell, A Birthday—and You

This beautiful bell once hung in Boston’s Clarendon Street Baptist Church, where Adoniram Judson Gordon, the founder of Gordon College, served as pastor for 26 years. For many years after Gordon College moved from Boston to Wenham, it… Read More