FOND Bone Broth: A Modern Family Business

Sisters Alysa (Obert) Seeland ’11 and Anna Obert ’16 are proving that family businesses are not something of the past; their new company, FOND Bone Broth, has found success in a hungry market.
Julie Korn ’02: Art and Play in Niger
CURE Niger, a children’s hospital in Africa where Josh ’05 and Julie ’02 Korn serve, has a new playground for patients, funded in part by the sales of final artwork by students in the Gordon IN Orvieto program.
Alumni in the Peace Corps: Building Cultural Bridges in Nicaragua

While studying at Gordon, Anna Jonker ’14 was met with a life-changing opportunity that began when she met a Peace Corps representative at a career fair and received a nudge of encouragement from Dr. Dorothy Boorse (biology).
Alumni in the Peace Corps: Cross-Cultural Understanding in Ghana

Since 2015, Roland has been serving as an agriculture volunteer in northern Ghana, where he teaches farm management practices and helps groups of farmers form mutually beneficial partnerships.
Conversation Leading to Communion: A New Paradigm of Mentorship

Collaboration, Bruce Herman says, “is about getting outside of yourself and your own preoccupations and listening for and building toward common ground with others.”