Missiologist to Join Department of Biblical Studies and Christian Ministries
Rev. Dr. Daniel S.H. Ahn is Gordon’s newest professor of biblical studies and Christian ministries. As a missiologist, he has trained missionaries and taught theology in more than six countries from East Asia to North Africa.
Sabbatical Sojourns: Elaine Phillips

Sabbatical for Elaine Phillips meant trotting the globe—she conducted research and taught stateside, in England and in Israel.
Celebrating our Retiring ‘Scribbler on the ’Teuch’

During a night of Fiddler on the Roof parodies, Old Testament one-liners, Yiddish slang, Hebrew prayers and words from friends, the Gordon community celebrated the retirement of Dr. Marv Wilson (biblical studies and Christian ministries) with a tribute program to honor his 55-plus years at Gordon.
Gordon’s 126th Commencement—Remember, Renew and Reach

The 126th Commencement at Gordon took place on Saturday, May 19. There were 352 baccalaureate degrees conferred in the arts and sciences, and 93 graduate degrees in Education, Music Education and Leadership.
A Week with the Right Reverend: N. T. Wright as Visiting Scholar in the Humanities

Gordon welcomed N. T. Wright, one of the world’s leading New Testament scholars, for a week-long visit to campus as the 2017–18 Malcolm Reid Distinguished Visiting Scholar in the Humanities.