People, Presence and Prayer

From campfires to the office, Jim Beville ’99 seeks to create an environment of warmth. Read of La Vida encouraged him to redefine what success looks like.
Opening Wide the Door to the Great Outdoors

50 Years of La Vida: The rugged, grassroots efforts that teetered on the brink of failure, and came back to transform thousands of lives.
An Enduring Legacy of History at Gordon

Gordon College affirms the importance of historical study by establishing the Loring-Phillips Endowed Professorship in History, to be held by Dr. Jennifer Hevelone-Harper ’92.
Investing in Educational Success

Gordon College celebrates generous financial support from two families that strengthens and enhances the educational experience.
Athletics Unveils Fierce Updates to Lion Rampant Logo

Gordon’s Lion Rampant sports a competitive, new look thanks to a generous gift from the Kanas family. The update features layers of cyan and navy, a sharper silhouette, a forward tilt and a more angled eye.