The Fruits of Homesickness

On the North Shore of Boston, there are sunflowers on professors’ desks and fresh green beans on the plates of college students and homeless people alike—all because Saliha Grace Shelton ’20 first asked herself the question: What do I miss about Turkey?
An Un-Belize-able Experience

Abby Mantey ’18, a biology major (pre-medical track) and international student from Ghana, writes about her experience on the “Health and Healthcare in the Developing World” seminar in Belize this summer.
From Elevate Finalist to Bridge Builder to Gordon Student
Finals are over and Christmas break has officially begun. Gordon students have scattered around the world, with all sorts of plans ahead of them. Some will work or visit friends. Others will participate in winter break trips to… Read More
Mekdes Getanah ’14: Bringing Hope in the Midst of Suffering
“Today, there are more than five million people in this country living with Alzheimer’s disease. This neurodegenerative disease is not only devastating for the patient; the emotional burden can be overwhelming for their loved ones.” Mekdes “Duni” Getaneh ’14… Read More
Building Peace in Sri Lanka
Michelle Waduacharige ’17 is a political science major from Sri Lanka. In her first two years at Gordon she has been involved with the International Student Organization, Office of Community Engagement, and International Justice Mission. She received the 2015… Read More