Gordon College Lowers Tuition by 33 Percent

Last week the College announced that in the fall of 2021, tuition will drop 33 percent. Overall, the sticker price will decrease by nearly $13,000, from $50,650 to $37,950.
Grammy Nominations for Gordon Music Instructors

As members of the Boston-based chamber orchestra A Far Cry, Gordon Department of Music string instructors Megumi Stohs Lewis and Rafael (Rafi) Popper-Keizer are nominated for two Grammy Awards.
‘Tis the Season for Gordon Friends and Family

Drawing over 1,000, Christmas at Gordon festivities has become a popular College tradition, inviting alumni, local community members, faculty, staff and students to celebrate and spark the beginning of season.
Spotlighting 2017: Highlights from the President’s Report

For Gordon College, 2017 was a year highlighted by steady growth in key areas and several important new initiatives designed to strengthen the College for the future.