Sharon Galgay Ketcham Awarded $75k Grant for Spiritual Formation Initiative

Professor of theology and Christian ministries Dr. Sharon Galgay Ketcham will spearhead a three-year plan to enrich spiritual formation at Gordon.
Autism and the Christian Community: Why Awareness Isn’t Enough

In honor of Autism Acceptance Month, Ling Austin ’22 reflects on why autism awareness is not as powerful or as needed as autism acceptance.
For Modern Democracies to Survive, We Must Rally Behind Universal Human Dignity

Anthropologist Dr. Robert Hefner believes that Christians and Muslims will to be central in protecting modern democracies from culture wars—if they can guide societies toward a shared belief in universal human dignity.
New Fellows Program Honors Faculty Investment in Students’ Career Journeys

Jonathan Senning (computer science), Amy Brown Hughes (theology) and Evangeline “Angie” Cornwell (biology) were named the inaugural Vocation Faculty Fellows, a new award from the Career and Connection Institute.
8 New Academic Programs

New programs across the College’s residential and online degree programs equip students to serve and lead in a variety of fields and settings—from speech-language pathology to ministry to organizational leadership.