Visiting Scholar N. T. Wright to Deliver Symposium Keynote Address

Renowned theologian, scholar and author The Rt. Rev. Dr. N. T. Wright, professor of New Testament and Early Christianity at University of St. Andrews (Scotland), will be on campus next week to deliver three lectures.
Dr. Ketcham Discusses Pew Research on ‘The 700 Club’

Dr. Sharon Ketcham was featured on ‘The 700 Club’ discussing Pew Research Center findings on the increasing number of “religiously unaffiliated” adults in the U.S.
Relevant Theology: Amy Hughes Presents at Yale Consultation

For Hughes, an email from Miroslav Volf meant an invitation to present a paper and participate in a discussion on the “Future of Theology” at the Yale Center for Faith and Culture.
Inaugural Malcolm Reid Lecture
Faith Seeking Understanding lecture series announces Oliver O’Donovan (University of Edinburgh) as keynote speaker for the Inaugural Malcolm Reid Lecture at Gordon College.