Ann Fudge to Deliver 2014 Richard F. Gross Distinguished Lecture

The value of a liberal arts education in “the new economy” will be explored at Gordon College on Monday, November 3, by Ann Fudge, former Chairman and CEO of Young and Rubicam Brands. Her talk, which is the… Read More
Spotlight on Gordon’s Reading Program

“The field of reading is dynamic and a review of such high caliber keeps us on the cutting edge of how to best prepare our teachers.” That’s what Elissa Arndt Rader, Ph.D., and Donna Robinson, Ed.D., have to say… Read More
The Reformation at Five Hundred

“Churches, institutions, and individuals shaped by what began so many centuries ago face a daunting question: How in fact ought one to commemorate the Reformation five hundred years after the fact? It’s not an easy question to answer.”
Anna Boorse Doubeni ’90: Medical Educator

Perhaps you took the same Gordon sociology course Anna Doubeni did—or was it anthropology? Perhaps you read the same article about an aid agency digging a well in the center of a village in sub-Saharan Africa to provide… Read More
The Umbrella Revolution—Spraying Solidarity with Hong Kong Activists

Stumbling happens, accidents happen, experiments happen. But that’s where God works.