Brian Mowrey Encourages Gordon to “Say Yes” to DEEP FAITH

This year’s DEEP FAITH Week—what Chaplain Bob Whittet called “a three-day retreat interrupted by classes”—brought Lead Pastor of Walnut Hill Community Church Rev. Dr. Brian Mowrey to Gordon to explore what it means for us to say “yes” to the Lord in a series of four sermons.
Gordon College Announces Ninth President, Dr. Michael D. Hammond

An accomplished scholar and proven leader with 25 years’ experience in Christian higher education, Dr. Hammond will begin his tenure at Gordon on July 1, 2021.
Redefining Bravery in 2021

People who demonstrate great bravery have been glorified as heroes in almost every culture and time period. From Japanese samurai to American cowboys to comic book superheroes, these iconic figures have shown us various ways of overcoming fear through combat, strategy and brute strength.
Athletics Rising: Major Gift Improves Bennett Center and Beyond

Thanks to generous gifts from the Kanas family and the alumni community, major enhancements to Athletics facilities improve the Gordon experience for student-athletes and beyond.