Dr. Marv Wilson Reminds Audience of Jewish Roots
“You have to understand the Great Book—capital G, B—Great Book before you understand other books. Because you won’t understand Shakespeare that alludes to the Bible 550 times, or other ancient sources, until you really know sacred Scripture.”
The Body Politic and the Body of Christ
The fall 2016 issue of STILLPOINT is hot off the press, right in the midst of an unusually contentious electoral season. What better time to ask Gordon’s political science faculty to weigh in?
Relevant Theology: Amy Hughes Presents at Yale Consultation
For Hughes, an email from Miroslav Volf meant an invitation to present a paper and participate in a discussion on the “Future of Theology” at the Yale Center for Faith and Culture.
Dorothy Boorse in Christianity Today Publication: The “Humongous Fungus”
The largest living organism covers 1,600 football fields and has been quietly growing in Oregon’s Malheur National Forest for thousands of years. Knowing about it answers one of the forest’s long mysteries. Biology Professor Dr. Dorothy Boorse shares… Read More
Education Research Enhances Math Teaching
This summer, several student-faculty teams spent time tackling research projects in the arts and sciences—from asthma to accounting audits, bilingualism and women in leadership. Some were funded through the Provost’s Summer Research Fellowships, and others were individual projects…. Read More