Drawn Back to the Land of the Bible: 20 and Counting
“My hope for the students’ participation is that their lives will be transformed in the decades to come as they learn to read Scripture through the added lens of geography,” says Dr. Elaine Phillips of the Israel Seminar.
Sabbatical Shalom
When professors take off a semester for sabbatical, where exactly do they go? The beach? Disneyland? Here, four Gordon professors who were on sabbatical this past fall share the details of their time away. Dan Darko, associate professor… Read More
Beauty in the Dust: Reflections on the Israel Seminar
“It took me going across the globe in a puddle of tenderness to fully grasp who God is and the way he so specifically uses Israel in the story of faith.” Ali Bolsinger ’19 shares her experience on the Israel Seminar in an interview with The Bell.
Dr. Marv Wilson Reminds Audience of Jewish Roots
“You have to understand the Great Book—capital G, B—Great Book before you understand other books. Because you won’t understand Shakespeare that alludes to the Bible 550 times, or other ancient sources, until you really know sacred Scripture.”
Relevant Theology: Amy Hughes Presents at Yale Consultation
For Hughes, an email from Miroslav Volf meant an invitation to present a paper and participate in a discussion on the “Future of Theology” at the Yale Center for Faith and Culture.