Joe Bandy ’19 Goes to Hollywood

At Alcon Entertainment in Beverly Hills, Joe Bandy ’19 is getting to see Hollywood’s underbelly—full of private guilds, hordes of untapped movie scripts and social media savvy film directors.
Gordon’s 126th Commencement—Remember, Renew and Reach

The 126th Commencement at Gordon took place on Saturday, May 19. There were 352 baccalaureate degrees conferred in the arts and sciences, and 93 graduate degrees in Education, Music Education and Leadership.
Speech Competition Commemorates Founder’s Legacy

To honor A. J. Gordon’s legacy as a speaker, the Communication Arts Department held its first annual JUD Talks speech competition over Founder’s Weekend.
Fostering Cultural Understanding Through Filmmaking Abroad

On location in Sweden for the Frontier Filmmaking Seminar this past summer, Rachel Baldwin ’17 helped Create International film a modern retelling of the story of Ruth from the perspective of three Syrian women who had recently arrived in Sweden.
Codifying the Contexts of Forgiveness

“We’re studying how people understand forgiveness, what factors shape their understanding, and how it might affect the other facets of their life,” says Carter Crossett ’19 of the summer research project, “Campus as Moral Community: Contextual Understandings of… Read More