Finding Her Voice Underground and Up Front

JABEZ ’21 | Majors: finance and economics | From: China | Most admires: “my father—he has the strongest faith I have ever seen.”
Catching a (World) Vision
During a mission trip to Uganda, Nick Tozier ’19 was struck by the extreme poverty in the slum of Kabalagala. “Homes were dilapidated and overcrowded and the stench of burning trash and sewage was overwhelming,” he says. It… Read More
Examining Well-being Through Economics
This summer, research assistants Jenn Meakem ’19 and Mike D’Antuono ’18 (pictured right) helped Dr. Kristen Cooper (economics) and her co-authors, Professors Daniel Benjamin (University of Southern California), Ori Heffetz (Cornell University) and Miles Kimball (University of Colorado),… Read More
Toward Global Good—From Rwanda to Texas

One summer, 8,500 miles: Nathalia Moran ’18 finds the overlap between her Rwanda Seminar experience and a Texas-based nonprofit internship.