Sabbatical Sojourns: Elaine Phillips

Sabbatical for Elaine Phillips meant trotting the globe—she conducted research and taught stateside, in England and in Israel.
Sabbatical Sojourns: Mike Jacobs

From Estonia to Latvia to Lithuania, Mike Jacobs explored the potential for an international seminar in the Baltics during sabbatical.
Sabbatical Sojourns: Jennifer Hevelone-Harper

The main objective of Jennifer Hevelone-Harper’s spring sabbatical was to turn a dream into a reality by beginning to write a book about medieval spirituality.
Two Professors Receive Oxford Fellowship

Dr. Evangeline Cornwell (biology) and Dr. Andrew Logemann (English language and literature) have been awarded two-year fellowships at Oxford for a conference around the topic of biotechnology and faith.
Psychology Professor Publishes Paper in Major Journal
Psychological Bulletin, one of the most prestigious journals in the field and run by the American Psychological Association, just published a paper by Associate Professor of Psychology Dr. J. P. Gerber. The product of nine years of research,… Read More