Inspiring Creativity and Faith: The Dedication of Gordon’s Adams School of Music and the Arts

To kick off Homecoming 2024, students, faculty, staff and alumni packed the A. J. Gordon Memorial Chapel to dedicate the Adams School of Music and the Arts through live music, dramatic readings, video and art.
Gordon Establishes the Adams School of Music and the Arts

The Adams School, led by Dr. Sarita Kwok, brings together the best of Gordon’s creative and performing arts programs into a distinct, collaborative entity.
Meet Seven of Gordon’s Newest Faculty Members

As students returned to campus this fall, they were joined by new experts on the faculty who, over the course of the coming years, will come alongside their academic pursuits and help them in shaping their vocation.
Gordon Mourns the Loss of Music Faculty Member Faith Lueth

Dorothy Faith Lueth, longtime music faculty member at Gordon, passed away August 12, after a brief battle with an aggressive cancer.
Bringing Lost Music to Life

Adams Endowed Chair in Music Dr. Sarita Kwok is working to bring a largely unknown 18th-century French musician into the spotlight.