The Art of Seeing the Subtext

Over the course of three years, Kaye Cook (psychology) and Si-Hua Chang ’16 created ways to code qualitative research on topics ranging from how the Church has changed to whether women should be ordained to national laws that potentially undermine church practice.
Art, Science and Advocacy: The Many Faces of Our Mental Health

The start of any new semester brings lots of new faces to campus. But the 99 faces in Ken Olsen Science Center don’t belong to first-year students or faculty members.
Gordon’s 126th Commencement—Remember, Renew and Reach

The 126th Commencement at Gordon took place on Saturday, May 19. There were 352 baccalaureate degrees conferred in the arts and sciences, and 93 graduate degrees in Education, Music Education and Leadership.
Bringing Forgiveness into the Psychological Canon

“There are a number of ways we can respond to injustice,” Worthington said, addressing the Gordon community during the Franz Lecture that took place this week on Tuesday, March 20.