An Inspector Calls: Fall Theatre Production Continues through November 15

What can a British play written more than 50 years ago have to offer a modern audience? Surprisingly, a lot!
Ann Fudge to Deliver 2014 Richard F. Gross Distinguished Lecture

The value of a liberal arts education in “the new economy” will be explored at Gordon College on Monday, November 3, by Ann Fudge, former Chairman and CEO of Young and Rubicam Brands. Her talk, which is the… Read More
Renowned Scientist Denis Alexander to give 2014 Herrmann Lectures on Faith and Science

Denis Alexander will present the 2014 Herrmann Lectures on Faith and Science November 5 through November 7 on the campus of Gordon College in Wenham, MA. This year’s lectures will examine the topic, “Is Life Going Anywhere? Creation-Biology,… Read More
Inaugural Malcolm Reid Lecture
Faith Seeking Understanding lecture series announces Oliver O’Donovan (University of Edinburgh) as keynote speaker for the Inaugural Malcolm Reid Lecture at Gordon College.
Generation to Generation: 125 Years of Gordon College

On the 125-year anniversary of Gordon’s first day of classes, theologian and author Dr. Os Guinness issued a stirring charge.