Two Professors Receive Oxford Fellowship

Dr. Evangeline Cornwell (biology) and Dr. Andrew Logemann (English language and literature) have been awarded two-year fellowships at Oxford for a conference around the topic of biotechnology and faith.
Staff Spotlight: Lauren Becker

When Lauren Becker prepared to re-enter full-time work, “I said that if there was anywhere in the world I could work, it would be at Gordon College, and if there was anything I could do, it would have to do with spiritual formation,” she says.
Tal Howard Delivers Symposium Keynote Address

“I’m persuaded that 500 years after the Reformation, evangelicals cannot simply yawn and walk away from Christ’s command that we all be one,” proclaimed former CFI Director Dr. Tal Howard, now of Valparaiso University.
Dr. Dorothy Boorse on NPR’s “Open Source”: Why Climate Change is a Faith Issue

“Dorothy Boorse is a biologist who combines love of nature with love of God—and who’s been pitching American evangelicals on climate as a moral issue for years.” (Christopher Lydon, “Open Source,” June 11)