Playing the Numbers: Math Prof Karl-Dieter Crisman’s Search for “Intelligible Nerdiness”

Karl-Dieter Crisman, associate professor of mathematics, recently published a review article in Books and Culture. “If you’re a member of group that gets club oufits,” he writes, “it’s typical to personalize the shirts or jackets with a nickname… Read More
Sradda Thapa ’08: Communications and Research

Sradda Thapa was a world traveler before she even got to Gordon; besides her home country, Nepal, she had lived in Hong Kong, India, and Australia. In 2012 she moved to Afghanistan, where she is with a communications firm in Kabul that works with government and international agencies.
Summer Research Tries to Fight World Hunger
What started as a few equations has evolved into a double major in economics and math, and a research project to battle world hunger.
Zach Capalbo ’12: Software Engineer
Zach dwells in what programmer Ellen Ullman has described as that “mysterious space between human thoughts and what a machine can understand, between human desires and how machines might satisfy them.”
Nathan Uebelhoer ’92: Dermatologist

Nathan Uebelhoer had been serving the U.S. Navy Medical Corps for nearly a decade when U.S. forces entered Afghanistan in 2001. “God put me right in the middle of one of the largest of these hospitals, the Naval Medical Center in San Diego, California,” he says. “And then he put a laser in my hands that has helped improve the quality of life for hundreds of wounded warriors.”