A Passion for Politics and Public Policy

“The past year in politics has given us many things to talk about,” says Dr. Paul Brink (political science). “At Gordon, it has allowed for great conversation among faculty and students about very basic questions concerning what politics is for.”
Sohenga Depestre ’17 Named Collegian of the Year

Sohenga Depestre has been named the 2017 Collegian of the Year, a longstanding tradition that honors the graduating senior who has made the greatest total contribution to the College.
Tal Howard Delivers Symposium Keynote Address

“I’m persuaded that 500 years after the Reformation, evangelicals cannot simply yawn and walk away from Christ’s command that we all be one,” proclaimed former CFI Director Dr. Tal Howard, now of Valparaiso University.
Alumni in the Peace Corps: Cross-Cultural Understanding in Ghana

Since 2015, Roland has been serving as an agriculture volunteer in northern Ghana, where he teaches farm management practices and helps groups of farmers form mutually beneficial partnerships.