Heritage Summer Program Crafts a Lifestyle of Cultivation

Through the lens of craftsmanship, discipleship and hospitality, high school students reflect on the theme of cultivation with Gordon’s new Heritage program.

On Track While Online: Seven Tips for a Productive Remote Routine

In the world of hybrid classes and online learning, Gordon staff share their best advice for beating cabin fever and notification fatigue.

For the Love of Community: Meet Dr. Heather Sipsma, New MPH Director

An Ivy League trained epidemiologist, Dr. Heather Sipsma brings experience from Johns Hopkins, Yale, University of Illinois, Benedictine University and University of Chicago.

Announcing New Master’s in Public Health

Led by epidemiologist Dr. Heather Sipsma, a graduate of Johns Hopkins and Yale, the MPH program will welcome its first cohort of students in the fall of 2022.

The Human Element of Music

2014 music education alumnus Elijah Langille’s classroom is a platform for teens at New Bedford High School to learn dedication, dialogue and their own capability.